T 33: Top Quarks: Production (Exp.) 2
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H18
16:15 |
T 33.1 |
An effective field theory approach using top quark polarisation and spin correlations in t t production at the LHC — •Andre Zimermmane-Santos, Afiq Anuar, Alexander Grohsjean, and Christian Schwanenberger
16:30 |
T 33.2 |
Measurement of the dileptonic tt differential cross section in a BSM phase space at CMS — Valeria Botta, Lutz Feld, •Danilo Meuser, Philipp Nattland, and Marius Teroerde
16:45 |
T 33.3 |
Studying prospects of a measurement of the cross section of top-quark pair production with additional charm quarks in the lepton+jets channel at ATLAS at √s=13 TeV — •Lukas Ehrke, Tobias Golling, Manuel Guth, Johnny Raine, and Knut Zoch
17:00 |
T 33.4 |
Measurement of the inclusive production cross sections of a top-quark pair in association with a Z boson at √s = 13 TeV in final states with three leptons using deep neural nets with the ATLAS detector — •Steffen Korn, Arnulf Quadt, and Elizaveta Shabalina
17:15 |
T 33.5 |
First simultaneous differential measurement of tZq and ttZ processes at the CMS Experiment — •Federica Colombina, Andreas Meyer, and Abideh Jafari
17:30 |
T 33.6 |
Background model in a ttW cross-section measurement — •Marcel Niemeyer, Arnulf Quadt, and Elizaveta Shabalina
17:45 |
T 33.7 |
Measurement of differential cross-sections of the ttγ production in the dilepton channel in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ATLAS detector — •Buddhadeb Mondal, Ivor Fleck, and Carmen Diez Pardos
18:00 |
T 33.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:15 |
T 33.9 |
Search for ttγγ production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Arpan Ghosal, Ivor Fleck, Carmen Diez Pardos, and Amartya Rej