T 35: Higgs Boson: Associated Production 1
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:15, T-H20
16:15 |
T 35.1 |
Higgs Boson Mass Reconstruction in the ttH Multi-lepton Channel Using ATLAS data — Igor Boyko, •Adam Herold, Nazim Huseynov, Jan Kybic, André Sopczak, Petr Urban, and Cyrus Walther
16:30 |
T 35.2 |
Measurement of the ttH production cross-section with H→ bb in the boosted topology with the ATLAS detector — •Eftychia Tzovara, Lucia Masetti, Doga Elitez, Asma Hadef, and Alexander Basan
16:45 |
T 35.3 |
Investigation of ttH(bb) Events with Very High Higgs Boson Momentum at ATLAS Detector — •Doga Elitez, Lucia Masetti, Eftychia Tzovara, Asma Hadef, and Alexander Basan
17:00 |
T 35.4 |
Improvements of the MVA classifiers for the tt H (bb) analysis in the dilepton channel with full Run2 data in the CMS experiment — •Angela Giraldi and Maria Aldaya
17:15 |
T 35.5 |
Adversarial Machine Learning Methods for Modelling Uncertainty Reduction in the Bottom Anti-Bottom Higgs Decay Channel of Higgs-associated Top Quark Pair Production with ATLAS at 13 TeV — Arnulf Quadt, •Chris Scheulen, and Elizaveta Shabalina
17:30 |
T 35.6 |
Performance Tests of tH(bb) Signal and Background Separation Using a Binary Classifier Neural Network with ATLAS Data — Igor Boyko, Nazim Huseynov, Oksana Koval, •Marcel Patzwahl, and André Sopczak
17:45 |
T 35.7 |
Associated production of a Higgs boson and a single top quark from t-channel production (tHq) in channels with hadronically decaying tau leptons at ATLAS — •Tanja Holm and Ian C. Brock
18:00 |
T 35.8 |
Higgs Boson Mass Reconstruction in the tH Multi-lepton Channel Using ATLAS Data — Igor Boyko, Adam Herold, Nazim Huseynov, Lars Kolk, Jan Kybic, André Sopczak, Petr Urban, and •Cyrus Walther