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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 35: Higgs Boson: Associated Production 1
T 35.2: Vortrag
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:30–16:45, T-H20
Measurement of the ttH production cross-section with H→ bb in the boosted topology with the ATLAS detector — •Eftychia Tzovara, Lucia Masetti, Doga Elitez, Asma Hadef, and Alexander Basan — JGU Mainz, Germany
Studying the coupling of the Higgs boson to the top quark is of particular interest, since it could be sensitive to effects of physics beyond the SM. The Higgs production in association with a top-quark pair is the most favourable process for a direct measurement of the top Yukawa coupling. The decay to two b-quarks has the largest branching ratio, while it allows for the reconstruction of the Higgs boson kinematics. The analysis presented here aims at events in which one of the top quarks decays semi-leptonically, producing an electron or a muon, and the other one hadronically. In the single-lepton channel, there is a specific boosted region, targeting events with a Higgs boson produced at high transverse momentum pT.
Due to the highly complex final state and the large SM backgrounds, the reconstruction of the Higgs boson becomes a complicated task. The ultimate goal is to constrain the background events of the boosted channel in order to maximise the statistical significance of the measurement. For this purpose, multivariate techniques are used to discriminate between signal and background events, in particular from tt+jets production. For the first time, the signal strength is also measured differentially in bins of the Higgs boson pT. Finally, the measurement of the ttH(bb) cross-section, using the full LHC run-2 data, as well as further improvements on the boosted channel, will be presented.