T 39: Gaseous Detectors 2
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:15, T-H24
16:15 |
T 39.1 |
Development of gas and high voltage systems for a small-strip Thin Gap Chamber quadruplet — •José Antonio Fernández Pretel, Ksenia Solovieva, Bernhard Pfeifer, Jürgen Tobias, Patrick Scholer, Ulrich Landgraf, and Vladislavs Plesanovs
16:30 |
T 39.2 |
Cosmic Test Stand Studies with a small-strip Thin Gap Chamber quadruplet — •Ksenia Solovieva, Jose Antonio Fernandez Pretel, Patrick Scholer, Vladislavs Plesanovs, and Ulrich Landgraf
16:45 |
T 39.3 |
Study of the Position Resolution of Large Scale Micromegas Detectors — •Vladislavs Plesanovs, Patrick Scholer, Ulrich Landgraf, and Gregor Herten
17:00 |
T 39.4 |
Clock phase calibration of the readout controller of the NSW — •Jonas Roemer, Anne Fortman, Michelle Solis, and Jared Sturdy
17:15 |
T 39.5 |
Gas Monitoring Chambers for the T2K Near Detector Upgrade — Philip Hamacher-Baumann, Ines Hannen, Leon Mans, Thomas Radermacher, Stefan Roth, David Smyczek, and •Nick Thamm
17:30 |
T 39.6 |
Electronics of the New T2K Gas Monitoring Chambers — Philip Hamacher-Baumann, Thomas Radermacher, Stefan Roth, •David Smyczek, and Nick Thamm
17:45 |
T 39.7 |
Hydrogen-rich Gases for High Pressure Time Projection Chambers at Neutrino Beamlines — •Philip Hamacher-Baumann, Thomas Radermacher, Stefan Roth, and Nick Thamm
18:00 |
T 39.8 |
Boron-based neutron Time Projection Chamber — •Divya Pal, Jochen Kaminski, Micheal Lupberger, Markus Köhli, Klaus Desch, Markus Gruber, Saime Gürbuz, and Laura Rodriguez Gómez