T 41: Calorimeters 1
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H26
16:15 |
T 41.1 |
Scintillator studies for the CALICE Analogue Hadronic Calorimeter and the DUNE ND-GAr Electromagnetic Calorimeter — Andrea Brogna, Peter Bernhard, Volker Büscher, Karl-Heinz Geib, Asma Hadef, •Antoine Laudrain, Lucia Masetti, Marisol Robles Manzano, Anna Rosmanitz, Christian Schmitt, Alfons Weber, and Quirin Weitzel for the CALICE-D collaboration
16:30 |
T 41.2 |
Exploring the intrinsic Time Resolution of the SiPM-on-Tile Technology — •Fabian Hummer, Lorenz Emberger, and Frank Simon for the CALICE-D collaboration
16:45 |
T 41.3 |
Studies of Irradiated SiPMs with HGCAL Tileboards — •Malinda de Silva, Mathias Reinecke, Katja Krüger, Ole Bach, and Felix Sefkow
17:00 |
T 41.4 |
Test beam results of the Megatile prototype for the CALICE AHCAL — •Anna Rosmanitz for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:15 |
T 41.5 |
Timing analysis of testbeam data with the KLauS6 ASIC for a Silicon Photomultiplier on Scintillator Tile Setup — •Erik Warttmann for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:30 |
T 41.6 |
Apply Computer Vision Algorithm to High Granularity Calorimetry — •Julian Utehs and Stan Lai for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:45 |
T 41.7 |
New shower direction reconstructing calorimeter — •Matei Climescu and Rainer Wanke
18:00 |
T 41.8 |
Convolutional Neural Networks for the Energy Reconstruction of ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Signals — Anne-Sophie Berthold, Nick Fritzsche, •Christian Gutsche, Max Märker, Johann Christoph Voigt, and Arno Straessner
18:15 |
T 41.9 |
ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readiness for LHC Run 3 — •Tom Kreße, Arno Straessner, and Rainer Hentges