Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 41: Calorimeters 1
T 41.5: Talk
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 17:15–17:30, T-H26
Timing analysis of testbeam data with the KLauS6 ASIC for a Silicon Photomultiplier on Scintillator Tile Setup — •Erik Warttmann for the CALICE-D collaboration — Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg
The CALICE collaboration is developing highly-granular scintillator-based calorimeters with the need of sophisticated readout solutions. For this purpose, the KLauS ASIC has been developed. It is designed to dissipate very little power and features precise charge measurement optimized for low-gain SiPMs, covering their full dynamic range. Additionally, the sixth iteration of the chip provides timing information via a Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) driven TDC with a bin size of 200 ps. The chip has been evaluated in a SiPM-on-Tile setup at the DESY testbeam facility, using an arrangement of four layers of scintillating tiles air-coupled to SiPMs. Various calibration measurements have been carried out to ensure precise charge and time measurements. The influence of multiple chip parameters on timing at the single MIP level has been investigated. To study the dependence of timing on the deposited energy, measurements with absorbers have been carried out. For the analysis of single MIP and absorber data, a stable and versatile timewalk correction has been implemented. We present the time measurement capabilities of KLauS6 using the SiPM-on-Tile arrangement, discuss the calibration routines and critical ASIC parameters. The results from single MIP runs and the absorber data regarding the time measurement are presented, which are comparable to the intrinsic resolution of the setup.