T 43: DAQ and Trigger 2
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:15, T-H28
16:15 |
T 43.1 |
Calibration and Trigger Studies for the OSIRIS pre-detector of JUNO — •Runxuan Liu, Philipp Kampmann, Kai Loo, Livia Ludhova, Alexandre Göttel, Nikhil Mohan, Luca Pelicci, Mariam Rifai, Apeksha Singhal, and Cornelius Vollbrecht
16:30 |
T 43.2 |
The MDT Trigger Processor for the ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade — •Davide Cieri, Markus Fras, Oliver Kortner, and Sandra Kortner
16:45 |
T 43.3 |
The ATLAS Global Event Processor and the jet energy determination perspectives at level-0 trigger in Run-4 — •Fernado Del Rio
17:00 |
T 43.4 |
Trigger optimization studies in the search for displaced heavy neutral leptons with the ATLAS detector. — •Julius Ehrsam, Heiko Lacker, and Christian Appelt
17:15 |
T 43.5 |
Optimizing the ATLAS b-jet Trigger for the LHC Run 3 — •Victor H. Ruelas Rivera
17:30 |
T 43.6 |
Development of the Topological Trigger for LHCb Run 3 — Johannes Albrecht, Gregory Max Ciezarek, Niklas Nolte, Miroslav Saur, and •Nicole Schulte
17:45 |
T 43.7 |
Study of potential lifetime bias in the LHCb reconstruction software for Run 3 — •Paula Herrero Gascón and Peilian Li
18:00 |
T 43.8 |
Performance of Belle II’s Level 1 Single Track Trigger — •Felix Meggendorfer, Christian Kiesling, Elia Schmidt, Kai Lukas Unger, Steffen Bähr, Alois Knoll, Alexander Lenz, Sebastian Skambraks, and Jürgen Becker for the Belle II collaboration