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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 43: DAQ and Trigger 2
T 43.6: Vortrag
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 17:30–17:45, T-H28
Development of the Topological Trigger for LHCb Run 3 — Johannes Albrecht1, Gregory Max Ciezarek2, Niklas Nolte3, Miroslav Saur1, and •Nicole Schulte1 — 1TU Dortmund University, Department of Physics — 2CERN — 3MIT
In Run 3, the LHCb experiment will undergo a significant upgrade including the conversion to a software-only trigger system. This means the trigger software will have to efficiently process a substantially higher amount of data compared to previous years. The largest trigger algorithm for beauty physics in LHCb software is the Topological Trigger, which produces output used for most analyses. It is an inclusive trigger, aiming to select beauty decays based on topological and kinematic properties. Due to its inclusive nature, it can select candidates and trajectories from decays that might not have been discovered yet.
Two contributions to the Topological Trigger are shown. The first contribution will serve as a baseline for the collaboration and is based on a boosted decision tree algorithm. This approach has proven to be efficient in former years of data taking but has been optimized and remodeled for simulation of LHCb’s upgrade. One of the major changes for the upgrade is the rise in the number of primary vertices during the interaction. Since primary vertex information is crucial for the Topological Trigger, the algorithm needs to be optimized to the conditions in the upgrade. The second contribution will explore a more experimental technique using a newly developed neural network architecture providing a robust model for the selection. Finally, both performances are compared.