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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 43: DAQ and Trigger 2
T 43.8: Vortrag
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 18:00–18:15, T-H28
Performance of Belle II’s Level 1 Single Track Trigger — •Felix Meggendorfer1,3, Christian Kiesling1,4, Elia Schmidt1,4, Kai Lukas Unger2, Steffen Bähr2, Alois Knoll3, Alexander Lenz3, Sebastian Skambraks2, and Jürgen Becker2 for the Belle II collaboration — 1MPI for Physics, Munich, Germany — 2KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany — 3TUM, Munich, Germany — 4LMU, Munich, Germany
Belle II is the world record holder for the highest instantaneous luminosity, and the machine is still more than a factor 20 away of what it is capable of. These high collision rates make it mandatory to have an efficient trigger system. The Neurotrigger is a level 1 track trigger using the central drift chamber in the Belle II experiment. It estimates the z vertex and the polar angle θ of the tracks. To suppress the dominating background of events coming from outside of the interaction point, a cut on the track vertices along the beam axis is combined wit a momentum cut. This trigger, the ’STT’, operates without a prescale and outperforms all other track triggers in Belle II. It is the first of its kind in high energy physics and most important for events with low charged multiplicity, such as tau pair production and candidates for dark matter searches.