Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 44: Experimental Methods (general) 2
T 44.2: Talk
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 16:30–16:45, T-H29
Charged Kaon Mass Measurement via Time-of-Flight at a Future Higgs Factory — •Ulrich Einhaus1, Bohdan Dudar1,2, and Jenny List1 — 1Deutsches Elektronen-Sychrotron DESY, Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg — 2Universität Hamburg, Germany
The proposed future e+e− Higgs factories will allow to study not only the Higgs boson but the entire electroweak sector to an unprecendented precision. In order to utilise each event as well as possible, particle identification (PID) can be a powerful tool, which has been studied with increasing interest in recent years. The development of picosecond-timing detectors has been driven by the demand of background suppression at the LHC, but they can also be used for an effective time-of-flight (TOF) measurement to distinguish different charged hadrons. In addition to flavour physics applications, TOF can also be used to perform a competitive measurement of the charged kaon mass. This value is among the less precisely known ones and the two leading contributions from the early 1990s are at tension by more than 5 σ with each other. The kaon mass value, however, is input to precision tracking and decay chain reconstruction, and can also be used to test theory predictions, e.g. from lattice QCD. This presentation discusses the prospects of a measurement of the charged kaon mass at future Higgs factories based on the full detector simulation of the International Large Detector (ILD) concept. This is the first analysis to make use of the recent implementation of TOF in a full-detector simulation for a future Higgs factory. It shows that such a measurement is feasible, but also highlights requirements and open questions.