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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 44: Experimental Methods (general) 2
T 44.3: Vortrag
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:45–17:00, T-H29
Identification of leptons inside jets at future Higgs factories — •Leonhard Reichenbach1,2, Yasser Radkhorrami1,2, and Jenny List1 — 1DESY Hamburg — 2Universität Hamburg
One goal of a future Higgs factory is the precise measurement of the 125 GeV Higgs boson properties. As the Higgs boson predominantly decays to bb, the precise reconstruction of heavy flavor jets is crucial. A source of uncertainty for these jets is missing momentum from semi-leptonic decays b→ℓν X. Recent work has shown the possibility of correcting this missing neutrino momentum. For this, the charged lepton from the decay needs to be successfully detected and reconstructed. While particle flow detector concepts with their high granularity offer ideal conditions to identify leptons inside jets, the excellent hardware needs to be matched with corresponding reconstruction algorithms. In this work, we use the detailed simulation of the ILD detector concept to investigate how to exploit the information provided by a particle flow detector to identify single electrons and muons in a dense environment and how this improves the reconstruction of H→ bb decays.