16:15 |
T 48.1 |
Improved measurement of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 with Double Chooz — •Philipp Soldin, Lars Heuermann, Achim Stahl, and Christopher Wiebusch
16:30 |
T 48.2 |
Likelihood based Sterile Neutrino Search with Double Chooz — •Lars Heuermann, Philipp Soldin, Achim Stahl, and Christopher Wiebusch
16:45 |
T 48.3 |
OSIRIS -- a radiopurity detector for JUNO — •Christian Wysotzki for the JUNO collaboration
17:00 |
T 48.4 |
Calibration of the JUNO pre-detector OSIRIS — •Moritz Cornelius Vollbrecht, Alexandre Göttel, Philipp Kampmann, Runxuan Liu, Livia Ludhova, Nikhil Mohan, Luca Pelicci, and Mariam Rifai
17:15 |
T 48.5 |
Liquid Handling System of the OSIRIS detector — Michael Wurm, Hans Steiger, Kai Loo, Eric Theisen, and •Oliver Pilarczyk
17:30 |
T 48.6 |
The Laser calibration system of the JUNO pre-detector OSIRIS — •Tobias Sterr, Lukas Bieger, David Blum, Marc Breisch, Srijan Delampady, Jessica Eck, Gina Grünauer, Tobias Heinz, Benedict Kaiser, Frieder Kohler, Tobias Lachenmaier, Axel Müller, Alexander Tietzsch, and Jan Züfle
17:45 |
T 48.7 |
Final Results of the PoLiDe Experiment — •Ulrike Fahrendholz, Lothar Oberauer, Hans Steiger, Raphael Stock, David Dörflinger, Mario Schwarz, and Konstantin Schweizer
18:00 |
T 48.8 |
Measurements of the attenuation length and the group velocity of liquid scintillators with the CELLPALS method — •Jessica Eck, Lukas Bieger, David Blum, Marc Breisch, Srijan Delampady, Gina Grünauer, Tobias Heinz, Benedict Kaiser, Frieder Kohler, Tobias Lachenmaier, Axel Müller, Tobias Sterr, Alexander Tietzsch, and Jan Züfle
18:15 |
T 48.9 |
Fluorescence Time Profiles of the JUNO and TAO Liquid Scintillators using a Pulsed Neutron Beam in the Energy Range from 3.5 to 5.5 MeV — •Matthias Raphael Stock, Hans Th. J. Steiger, David Dörflinger, Stefan Schoppmann, Ulrike Fahrendholz, Lothar Oberauer, Luca Schweizer, Korbinian Stangler, and Dorina Zundel
18:30 |
T 48.10 |
Quenching Factor Studies for Organic Liquid Scintillators with a Pulsed Neutron Beam — •Hans Th. J. Steiger, M. Raphael Stock, David Dörflinger, Stefan Schoppmann, Manuel Böhles, Ulrike Fahrendholz, Lothar Oberauer, Luca Schweizer, Korbinian Stangler, and Dorina Zundel