T 51: Experimental Techniques in Astroparticle Physics 2
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:20, T-H36
16:15 |
T 51.1 |
Comparison of Sky Models of the Galactic Radio Background for the Calibration of Radio Arrays — •Max Büsken for the Pierre Auger collaboration
16:30 |
T 51.2 |
Verbesserung des externen Triggers von AERA für ausgedehnte Luftschauer am Pierre-Auger-Observatorium — •Rukije Uzeiroska für die Pierre Auger Kollaboration
16:45 |
T 51.3 |
Depth of Maximum of Air-Shower Profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory — •Thomas Fitoussi for the Pierre Auger collaboration
17:00 |
T 51.4 |
Separation of muonic and electromagnetic signals using the upgraded detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory — •Allan Machado Payeras, Anderson Campos Fauth, Darko Veberic, and David Schmidt
17:15 |
T 51.5 |
Pointing accuracy of the roving laser system for the energy calibration of the Pierre Auger Observatory* — •Alina Nasr Esfahani
17:30 |
T 51.6 |
Applications of the high-energy lepton and photon propagator PROPOSAL — •Jean-Marco Alameddine, Jan Soedingrekso, and Alexander Sandrock
17:45 |
T 51.7 |
Effects of unresolved particles in the counts estimated by a segmented detector — •Flavia Gesualdi and Daniel Supanitsky
18:00 |
T 51.8 |
Intensity interferometry campaign at the H.E.S.S. telescopes — •Naomi Vogel, Andreas Zmija, Gisela Anton, Stefan Funk, Dmitry Malyshev, Thilo Michel, Frederik Wohlleben, and Adrian Zink