Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 7: Top Quarks: Properties 1
T 7.3: Talk
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:45–17:00, T-H20
Measurement of the top-quark mass in tt events using the template method in the lepton+jets channel with the ATLAS detector — •Dimbiniaina Rafanoharana and Andrea Knue — Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
The top-quark mass is a fundamental parameter of the Standard Model (SM). Its precise determination is therefore crucial to test the consistency of the SM. A multitude of measurements was performed at the Tevatron and the LHC using different methods and final states.
The combination of the ATLAS measurements at √s = 7 TeV and at √s = 8 TeV has a relative overall uncertainty of 0.28% and a relative statistical uncertainty of 0.14%. The measurement precision is therefore limited by the understanding of systematic effects.
In this presentation, an investigation of the systematic effects in the top-quark mass measurement using the template method in tt → lepton+jets channel at √s = 13 TeV is shown. The studies are performed using different observables sensitive to the top-quark mass as well as different event selections, aiming at reducing the overall uncertainty.