T 86: Neutrino Physics (Theory) 1 and Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology 1
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 16:15–18:00, T-H17
16:15 |
T 86.1 |
Majoron Models without Domain Walls — •Tim Brune
16:30 |
T 86.2 |
Search for Fermionic Dark Matter using Astrophysical Neutrinos and Quantum Gravitational Decoherence — Heinrich Päs, •Dominik Hellmann, and Erika Rani
16:45 |
T 86.3 |
CPT Violation in Neutrino Oscillations with Quantum-Gravitational Decoherence — •Erika Rani, Heinrich Päs, and Dominik Hellmann
17:00 |
T 86.4 |
"Magnetic" Mass of the Neutron — •Manfred Geilhaupt
17:15 |
T 86.5 |
Impact of bound states on non-thermal dark matter production — •Julian Bollig
17:30 |
T 86.6 |
Constraining dark matter annihilation with cosmic ray antiprotons using neural networks — Felix Kahlhoefer, Michael Korsmeier, Michael Krämer, Silvia Manconi, and •Kathrin Nippel
17:45 |
T 86.7 |
Constraining Inflationary Dynamics with the SKA — Tanmoy Modak, Tilman Plehn, •Lennart Röver, and Björn Malte Schäfer