T 87: Electroweak Interactions (Exp.) 2
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 16:15–18:20, T-H18
16:15 |
T 87.1 |
Group Report:
Latest results on vector boson scattering studies from CMS — •Ankita Mehta, Andreas Hinzmann, and Steffen Albrecht
16:35 |
T 87.2 |
Measurement of same-sign WW Production at 13 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment — •Shalu Solomon
16:50 |
T 87.3 |
Study of polarization fractions in same-sign W boson scattering — •Prasham Jain, Beate Heinemann, and Oleg Kuprash
17:05 |
T 87.4 |
Polarized same-sign W boson scattering at the CMS experiment — Thorsten Chwalek, Nils Faltermann, Abideh Jafari, Thomas Müller, and •Komal Tauqeer
17:20 |
T 87.5 |
A Search for anomalous couplings in the hadronic decay channel of Vector Boson Scattering at the CMS experiment — Steffen Albrecht, Thorsten Chwalek, Nils Faltermann, Thomas Müller, and •Max Neukum
17:35 |
T 87.6 |
Search for γ γ →WW (jjlν) coupling in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — •Varsiha Sothilingam
17:50 |
T 87.7 |
Automated Resummation of Electroweak Sudakov logarithms using SCETEW — •Stefan Rode
18:05 |
T 87.8 |
Upper limits on tri nucleon decays from GERDA — •Sean Sullivan for the GERDA collaboration