T 88: Top Quarks: Production (Exp.) 3
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H19
16:15 |
T 88.1 |
Studies of modern generators for top-quark pair-production — •Dominic Hirschbühl, Jens Roggel, and Wolfgang Wagner
16:30 |
T 88.2 |
Machine learning approaches for parameter reweighting in MC samples of top quark production — •Valentina Guglielmi, Katerina Lipka, and Simone Amoroso
16:45 |
T 88.3 |
Modelling tt + jets with the Sherpa fusing approach — •Lars Ferencz, Judith Katzy, Frank Siegert, Stefan Höche, Chris Pollard, and Johannes Krause
17:00 |
T 88.4 |
Studies of tt production with additional heavy flavour jets in p-p collision with the ATLAS detector — •Lucas Klein, Mahsana Haleem, and Raimund Ströhmer
17:15 |
T 88.5 |
Measurement of the associated production of top-antitop pair with charm jets using the DL1r b-tagging algorithm in the dileptonic final state — •Moritz Habbaba, Arnulf Quadt, and Elizaveta Shabalina
17:30 |
T 88.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:45 |
T 88.7 |
Simultaneous measurement of tt+X(bb) processes in the semileptonic channel at the CMS experiment — •Rufa Rafeek, Emanuel Pfeffer, Jan van der Linden, Michael Waßmer, and Ulrich Husemann
18:00 |
T 88.8 |
Graph neural network applications in tt+heavy flavor studies at the CMS experiment — •Emanuel Pfeffer, Max Erhart, Ulrich Husemann, Rufa Rafeek, Jan van der Linden, and Michael Waßmer
18:15 |
T 88.9 |
Studies on tt+cc/tt+bb separation — •Max Erhart, Ulrich Husemann, Jan van der Linden, Emanuel Pfeffer, and Rufa Rafeek