Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 93: Search for New Particles 6
T 93.6: Talk
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 17:30–17:45, T-H24
Development of a new trigger for exotic particle searches with IceCube — •Timo Stürwald for the IceCube collaboration — Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Deutschland
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic kilometer scale Cherenkov light detector that also searches for signatures of particles beyond the standard model. The upcoming IceCube Upgrade and IceCube-Gen2 extension will improve the sensitivity for these searches due to an increased and partly denser instrumented sensitive volume. The better sensitivity allows for the detection of signatures of exotic particles including fractionally charged particles, which directly and indirectly produce light.
In this talk results of adjusted IceCube standard triggers applied on simulated fractionally charged particles are presented. Furthermore, the development of a new trigger is presented. This new trigger includes the analysis of isolated single hits that so far are not included in any IceCube trigger, because a large fraction of them originates from well understood noise sources. For simulated faint exotic signatures these isolated single hits become the dominant hit type.
*Funded by BMBF-Verbundforschung Astroteilchenphysik