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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 96: Detector Systems 3
T 96.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 24. März 2022, 17:15–17:30, T-H27
Track reconstruction for the Mu3e experiment — •Alexandr Kozlinskiy for the Mu3e collaboration — Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
The Mu3e experiment is designed to search for the lepton flavor violating decay µ+ → e+e−e+. The ultimate aim of the experiment is to reach a branching ratio sensitivity of 10−16. The experiment is located at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) and an existing beam line providing 108 muons per second will allow to reach a sensitivity of a few 10−15 in the first phase of the experiment. The muons with a momentum of about 28 MeV/c are stopped and decay at rest on a target. The decay products (positrons and electrons) with energies below 53 MeV are measured by a tracking detector consisting of two double layers of 50 µm thin high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensors. The high granularity of pixel detector with a pixel size of 80×80 µm together with the small material budget allows for a precise track reconstruction. The track reconstruction is based on 3-dimensional multiple scattering fit and uses special methods to remove incorrectly reconstructed tracks, which is made possible by high efficiency and low noise rate of the pixel detector. This talk will present the details of the track reconstruction including the methods that are used to reduce the number of fake tracks.