
Regensburg 2022 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 6: Active Matter 1 (joint session BP/CPP/DY)

DY 6.4: Vortrag

Montag, 5. September 2022, 11:45–12:00, H16

The effect of chiral flows on pattern formation on active cell surfacesLucas Wittwer2, Eloy de Kinkelder1, and •Sebastian Aland1,21TU Freiberg — 2HTW Dresden

Mechanochemical processes play a crucial role during morphogenesis, the formation of complex shapes and tissues out of a single cell. On the cellular level, the actomyosin cortex governs shape and shape changes. This thin layer of active material underneath the cell surface exerts an active contractile tension, the strength of which being controlled by the concentration of force-generating molecules. Advective transport of such molecules leads to a complex interplay of hydrodynamics and molecule concentration which gives rise to pattern formation and self-organized shape dynamics. In this talk, we present a novel numerical model to simulate an active viscoelastic surface immersed in viscous fluids. The resulting patterning, flows and cell shape dynamics are shown for different parameter configurations. It is further demonstrated that adding a chiral (i.e. counter-rotating) force at the cell surface can promote a ring of high molecule concentration and facilitate cell division.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2022 > Regensburg