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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 34: Focus Session: Perspectives in Cu(In,Ga)Se 2
HL 34.2: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 8. September 2022, 15:30–16:00, H33
Highlights from the development of the world record Cd-free CIGSSe 30x30cm2 solar module — Anastasia Zelenina and •Alberto Lomuscio — AVANCIS GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 81739 Munich, Germany
In this contribution, the R&D process of 30x30 cm2 CIGSSe solar modules will be discussed [1]. One of the main advantages of the process is the application of an environmentally friendly dry Zn(O,S) buffer, which is applied as an alternative to the widely used CdS chemical bath deposition (CBD) process. Over the past few years, our development of the 30x30 cm2 CIGSSe modules has been focused on the optimization of the absorber properties. An increased absorber thickness has been applied, with the aim to increase absorption and increase the short circuit current density (JSC). The Jsc-improvement was combined with enhancing the absorber quality through the optimization of the elemental absorber depth profile. The enhanced absorber quality lead to better diode parameters and higher JSC*VOC product values. Furthermore, the absorber surface homogeneity was improved for this increased absorber thickness leading to an enhancement of the Fill Factor (FF) values. The improved absorber homogeneity results mostly from tuning the rapid thermal annealing (RTP) process. The combination of these development steps lead to the achievement of a world record efficiency of 19.8% [2]. This new process developments on 30x30cm2 sized modules will also be the basis for the power development on production-sized modules and will be used for further production upgrades.
[1] "Absorber optimization in CIGSSe modules with a sputtered Zn(O,S) buffer layer at 19% Efficiency", M. Stölzel et al., Proceedings of 36th EU PVSEC, Marseille (2019), p. 590-596, DOI: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20192019-3AO.7.1
[2] NREL Champion Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Chart