Regensburg 2022 – scientific programme
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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur
KFM 7: Focus Session: Defects and Interfaces in Multiferroics 2
KFM 7.1: Invited Talk
Monday, September 5, 2022, 15:00–15:30, H5
Multiferroic coupling on the level of domain walls — •Mads C. Weber1,2, Yannik Zemp1, Marcela Giraldo1, Ehsan Hassanpour1,3, Quintin Meier1, Yusuke Tokunaga4, Yoshinori Tokura4,5, Sang-Wook Cheong6, Nicola N. Spaldin1, Thomas Lottermoser1, and Manfred Fiebig1 — 1ETH Zurich — 2Le Mans University — 3University of Bern — 4University of Tokyo — 5RIKEN — 6Rutgers University
Multiferroic materials are of interest for the coupling of different ferroic properties on the level of the domains. However, this coupling is not only limited to the bulk but concerns the domain walls too. Here, we show on the example of three different multiferroic systems, that the multi order-parameter coupling on the domain wall level leads to a wide variety of intrinsic domain wall phenomena. In (Dy,Tb)FeO3, we demonstrate that the interaction of two independent magnetic sublattices gives rise to a polar, multiferroic domain wall in a non-multiferroic environment. The crosstalk of ferroelectricity, structural distortions and magnetic order in hex-ReMnO3 leads to spin rotations of 60∘, 120∘ or 180∘ about the magnetic domain walls. Depending on the position of the magnetic domain walls with respect of the ferroelectric domain walls, these walls can exchange their rotational character. In the last example, we show that the interplay of two structural distortions in hybrid improper ferroelectrics induces head-to-head and tail-to-tail orientations of the polarization of adjacent ferroelectric domains. These examples illustrate the wide variety of domain wall phenomena thanks to (multi)ferroic coupling effects on the nanoscale.