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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 24: Spin Transport and Orbitronics, Spin-Hall Effects
MA 24.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 7. September 2022, 15:30–15:45, H37
Differences between magnetotransport properties of doped alloys and doped crystals via ab-initio calculations — •Ondrej Sipr1,2, Sergey Mankovsky3, and Hubert Ebert3 — 1Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha — 2New Technologies Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň — 3Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The description of magnetotransport has so far focused on how doping influences clean crystals. However, interest is turning also to substitutional alloys as hosts. Our aim is to investigate to what extent the approaches that proved to be useful for doped crystals can be applied to doped alloys. Calculations are performed for permalloy Fe19Ni81 doped with V, Co, Pt, and Au impurities, relying on the Kubo-Bastin equation implemented using the KKR-Green function method.
The dependence of the anomalous Hall and spin Hall conductivities σxy and σxyz on the dopant concentration is nonmonotonic and strongly influenced by the temperature. The fact that the host is disordered and not crystalline has profound influence on how σxy and σxyz depend on the dopant concentration. In particular, σxy and σxyz are not proportional to σxx for low dopant concentrations. Consequently, the dependence of the anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect on the dopant concentration cannot be ascribed unambigously to skew scattering, side-jump scattering, or intrinsic contributions in the same way as it can be done when investigating the effect of doping for a crystalline host, i.e., the standard scaling laws do not apply.