Regensburg 2022 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 28: Magnonics 2
MA 28.1: Talk
Thursday, September 8, 2022, 09:30–09:45, H43
Imaging and phase-locking of non-linear spin waves — •Rouven Dreyer1, Alexander F. Schäffer1, Hans G. Bauer2, Niklas Liebing1, Jamal Berakdar1, and Georg Woltersdorf1 — 1Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany — 2Jahnstrasse 23, 96050 Bamberg, Germany
Non-linear processes are a key feature in the emerging field of spin-wave based information processing since they allow to convert uniform spin-wave excitations into propagating modes at different frequencies. Typically, non-linear spin-wave generation is well described by three and four-magnon scattering processes in the small modulation limit. Recently, the existence of non-linear magnons at odd half-integer multiples of the driving frequency (such as 3/2 frf, 5/2 frf, etc.) has been predicted for Ni80Fe20 at low bias fields [1]. However, it is an open question under which conditions these non-linear spin waves emerge coherently and how they can be manipulated in devices. Using super-Nyquist sampling MOKE [2] we directly image these non-linear spin waves in the strong modulation regime. The spatially-resolved investigation of such excitations in Ni80Fe20 elements reveals two distinct phase states [3]. Moreover, we use phase-locking to an external ’seed’ frequency to activelymanipulate the phase state. These results open new possibilities for spin-wave sources and phase-encoded information processing with magnons.
[1] H. G. Bauer et al., NC 6:8274 (2015) [2] R. Dreyer et al., PRM 5(6):064411 (2021) [3] T. Makiuchi et al., APL 118, 022402 (2021)