Regensburg 2022 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 33: Poster Tuesday: Ultrafast Processes 2
O 33.6: Poster
Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 11:00–13:00, P3
Ultrabroadband THz-STM and its application to study hot electron dynamics in metals — Natalia Martín Sabanés1,2, Faruk Krecinic1, •Vivien Sleziona1, Takashi Kumagai1,3, Fabian Schulz1,4, Luis Enrique Parra Lopez1, Alkisti Vaitsi1, Martin Wolf1, and Melanie Müller1 — 1Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin, Germany — 2IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain — 3Institute of Molecular Science, 444-8585 Okazaki, Japan — 4CIC NanoGUNE BRTA, San Sebastian, Spain
Localized ultrafast currents across the junction of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) can be generated by photo-assisted hot electron tunneling or *cold* lightwave-induced tunneling. In addition, but so far not considered, fs laser excitation can induce a transient thermalized electron distribution that can give rise to an ultrafast current component. Here we investigate the role of ultrafast thermionic tunneling for photoinduced hot electron tunneling from a photoexcited STM tip [1]. We access the dynamics of hot electron tunneling by phase-resolved sampling of ultrabroadband Terahertz (THz) waveforms inside the STM junction. Our results reveal the strong nonthermal character of photoinduced hot electron tunneling, and provide a new route to probe hot electron dynamics in metals using THz-STM. Furthermore, we report on the development of an ultrabroadband THz-STM with tunable optical excitation for the spatiotemporal investigation of photocarrier dynamics at metal-semiconducting interfaces. [1] N. Martín Sabanés et al., 10.48550/arXiv.2205.08248