Regensburg 2022 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 47: Focus Session: Atomic-Scale Studies of Spins on Surfaces with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 1
O 47.8: Talk
Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 17:15–17:30, S051
Electric field control of spin transitions in a single molecule using ESR-STM — •Maneesha Ismail, Piotr Kot, and Christian R. Ast — Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstr. 1, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Since the demonstration of the control of spins on the atomic scale, the technique of ESR-STM has been used extensively to explore the field of spintronics. Here, we present an extension to the ESR-STM parameter space, which uses the bias voltage to tune the energy of the Zeeman transition. We emonstrate electronic control of spin resonance transitions in a single TiH molecule. We were able to observe a strong dependency of the g-factor along with a tip-field shift as function of the electric field. Finally, we manipulate a TiH dimer by continuously changing the bias voltage such that the dimer moves through an avoided crossing of the energy levels. This could be an important step towards pump-probe control of spin states through the bias voltage and opens new possibilities for coherent manipulation.