Regensburg 2022 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 66: Oxide Surfaces 2
O 66.9: Talk
Thursday, September 8, 2022, 12:45–13:00, S053
Growth of ultra thin EuxOy films on Pt(001): A HREELS, XPS and LEED study — •Anne Oelschläger, Hannes Herrmann, Stefan Förster, and Wolf Widdra — Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut of Physics, 06120 Halle, Germany
The gradually decreasing ionic radii along the series of lanthanides allow an exceptional fine tuning of lattice parameters, which makes this material class interesting for applications in epitaxial growth. In this contribution we report on the growth of thin EuxOy films on Pt(001) and characterize the thin film oxidation upon annealing in various environments.
A 0.8 nm thin Eu layer has been deposited onto Pt(001) at room temperature in UHV conditions at a background pressure below 3· 10−10 mbar. By monitoring the surface phonons with HREELS and the valence state of Eu with XPS a continuous oxidation of Eu at room temperature by water from the residual gas as well as by molecular oxygen is observed as a transition from metallic Eu to Eu2O3. The transition to Eu3+ can be followed by increasing (decreasing) intensities for the surface phonon polariton at 364 cm−1 (525 cm−1) in HREELS and the high binding energy component of the Eu3d core level at 1135 eV (1125 eV) in XPS. The long-range order starts to develop in the 0.8 nm thin layer upon annealing to 1000 K. LEED exhibits a complex twelve-fold diffraction pattern.