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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 2: Quantum Thermodynamics and Open Quantum Systems
QI 2.4: Vortrag
Montag, 5. September 2022, 10:30–10:45, H9
Continuous measurement feedback for adaptive qubit thermometry — •Julia Boeyens and Stefan Nimmrichter — Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät, Universität Siegen, Siegen 57068, Germany
Bayesian estimation was recently applied to quantum thermometry since it allows for better estimation accuracy when data is limited and admits adaptive estimation schemes. Here, we apply the Bayesian framework to the setting of continuous temperature measurement. We model a qubit probe, subject to continuous monitoring interacting with a bosonic bath of unknown temperature. The Kushner-Stratonovich equation from classical filtering theory is simulated to find the posterior distribution. Bayesian estimation is then used to infer the temperature from this probability distribution using. This is compared to the discrete analogue, collisional thermometry . An adaptive strategy for improved accuracy is described where Hamiltonian parameters of the qubit can be changed continuously by measurement feedback.