TT 13: Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Point Contacts
Dienstag, 6. September 2022, 09:30–11:00, H23
09:30 |
TT 13.1 |
Precession of entangled spin and pseudospin in double quantum dots — •Christoph Rohrmeier and Andrea Donarini
09:45 |
TT 13.2 |
Pair-amplitude dynamics in superconductor-quantum dot hybrids — •Markus Heckschen and Björn Sothmann
10:00 |
TT 13.3 |
Staggered spin-orbit interaction in a nanoscale device — Lauriane Contamin, Tino Cubaynes, William Legrand, •Magdalena Marganska, Matthieu Desjardins, Matthieu Dartiailh, Zaki Leghtas, Andre Thiaville, Stanislas Rohart, Audrey Cottet, Matthieu Delbecq, and Takis Kontos
10:15 |
TT 13.4 |
Jahn-Teller effects in charge transport through single-molecule junctions: a hierarchical equation of motion approach — •Christoph Kaspar and Michael Thoss
10:30 |
TT 13.5 |
Evolution of single-level-model parameters in the mechanically controllable break junctions — •M. Lokamani, F. Kilibarda, F. Günther, J. Kelling, A. Strobel, P. Zahn, G. Juckeland, K. Gothelf, E. Scheer, S. Gemming, and A. Erbe
10:45 |
TT 13.6 |
Relaxation dynamics in a Hubbard trimer and tetramer coupled to fermionic baths: antiferromagnetic order and persistent spin currents — •Nikodem Szpak, Gernot Schaller, Friedemann Queisser, Ralf Schützhold, and Jürgen König