Regensburg 2022 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 26: Superconductivity: Tunnelling and Josephson Junctions
TT 26.10: Talk
Thursday, September 8, 2022, 12:00–12:15, H10
Spin-orbit coupling assisted transport phenomena in superconducting magnetic tunnel junctions — •Andreas Costa and Jaroslav Fabian — University of Regensburg, Germany
Superconducting magnetic junctions exhibit fascinating physical phenomena, making them essential building blocks for modern technologies like quantum computing. Particularly attractive are multicomponent junctions in which the broken space-inversion symmetry additionally rises strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Pairing the interplay of these two most important spin interactions—exchange and SOC—with superconducting coherence has already been demonstrated to lead to unique signatures in spectroscopy and transport, and is furthermore expected to induce topological superconductivity hosting Majorana states. In this theory talk, we will focus on the most intriguing transport ramifications of SOC in superconducting magnetic junctions, covering giant transport magnetoanisotropies in the junctions’ conductance and Josephson-current flow [1], the possibility to generate sizable transverse anomalous (Josephson) Hall effects [2,3], as well as nonreciprocal transport and supercurrent-diode characteristics in proximitized 2DEG Josephson junctions [4] that were experimentally classified through robust Josephson-inductance measurements.
This work was supported by ENB IDK Top. Insulators, DFG SFB 1277 (B07), and DFG Grant 454646522.
[1] PRB 95, 024514 (2017)
[2] PRB 100, 060507(R) (2019)
[3] PRB 101, 104508 (2020)
[4] Nat. Nanotechnol. (2021)