SAMOP 2023 –
scientific programme
A 18: Ultra-cold Plasmas and Rydberg Systems I (joint session A/Q)
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 14:30–16:30, F303
14:30 |
A 18.1 |
Topological phases of Rydberg spin excitations in a honeycomb lattice induced by density-dependent Peierls phases — •Simon Ohler, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, and Michael Fleischhauer
14:45 |
A 18.2 |
Self-Organized Criticality and Griffith's Effects — •Daniel Brady and Michael Fleischhauer
15:00 |
A 18.3 |
Deexcitation of Rydberg atoms in the neutrino mass experiment KATRIN using THz radiation* — •Shivani Ramachandran
15:15 |
A 18.4 |
A linear response protocol to probe aging in a disordered Rydberg quantum spin system — •Moritz Hornung, Eduard Braun, Dillen Lee, Titus Franz, Sebastian Geier, Gerhard Zürn, and Matthias Weidemüller
15:30 |
A 18.5 |
Analysing crosstalk with the digital twin of a Rydberg atom QPU — •Alice Pagano, Daniel Jaschke, Sebastian Weber, and Simone Montangero
15:45 |
A 18.6 |
Probing the presence of phase transitions in disordered quantum spin systems — •Eduard Jürgen Braun, Moritz Hornung, Titus Franz, Dillen Lee, Sebastian Geier, Gerhard Zürn, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:00 |
A 18.7 |
Spatially and temporally resolved wavepacket dynamics of an ion-Rydberg system by means of a high-resolution ion microscope — •Herrera-Sancho OA, Berngruber Moritz, Anasuri Viraatt SV, Conrad R, Yi-Quan Zou, Zuber Nicolas, Meinert Florian, Löw Robert, and Pfau Tilman
16:15 |
A 18.8 |
Chiral Rydberg States of Laser Cooled Atoms — •Stefan Aull, Steffen Giesen, Peter Zahariev, Robert Berger, and Kilian Singer