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DD: Fachverband Didaktik der Physik
DD 20: Poster – Quantenphysik
DD 20.2: Poster
Montag, 6. März 2023, 17:00–19:00, Empore Lichthof
Teaching quantum effects using non-linear optics in laboratory courses — •Jennifer Heiss, Shreya Kumar, Simone D'Aurelio, and Stefanie Barz — Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies & IQST, University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart
Quantum technologies are rapidly developing and have tremendous potential to revolutionize communication, computing, and sensing. It is crucial for the preparation of the quantum workforce and the education of future teachers that quantum technologies are part of higher education. In particular, practical training in quantum technologies helps to improve their understanding and allows them to gain hands-on experience in working with quantum optics. Here, we show how two key concepts of quantum technologies, entanglement and quantum interference, can be taught and studied in laboratory courses. These experiments are designed to be performed independently by students, starting with planning the experimental setups and afterwards building the experiments step by step. The first experiment deals with the generation of entangled photon pairs using parametric down-conversion. The setup allows to study various types of entanglement and to perform both fundamental quantum experiments as well as measurements for characterizing the entangled states. The second experiment aims at performing a Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment and a so-called Bell measurement. These form the basis for many quantum technology applications like quantum teleportation.