SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 23: Ultrafast Dynamics III (joint session MO/A)
MO 23.8: Talk
Friday, March 10, 2023, 16:15–16:30, F102
Probing well aligned molecular enviroments on surfaces in the time-domain — •Pascal Scigalla1, Christian Schröder1, Sven Paul1, Peter Feulner2, and Reinhard Kienberger1 — 1Chair for laser and x-ray physics, E11, Technische Universität München, Germany — 2Surface and Interface Physics, E20, Technische Universität München, Germany
We report on the photoemission timing measurements of well-aligned iodomethane and -ethane molecules on a Pt111 surface. In this set of experiments we clock the I4d photoemission of iodine against the Platinum valence photoemission using the attosecond streak camera technique, allowing the extraction of a relative photemission delay. As the I4d photoemission in the selected energy range is dominated by a giant resonance in the I4d→ ef channel its photoemission time is mostly unaffected by its chemical environment. Thus any observed change in the photoemission delay can be attributed to the traversed potential landscape of the molecule. By carefully selecting the detection angle and crystal surface coverage we can reliably choose whether only parts of the molecule or its entirety was traversed by the detected photoelectron wavepackets. It is furthermore possible to investigate the influence of slight coverage variations onto the observed photoemission delay. Planned, complementary scattering simulations will be used to gain deeper insight into the observations with the goal to establish photoemission timing experiments as an efficient and accurate means to study molecular environments on surfaces.