SAMOP 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 1: Quantum Technologies (joint session Q/A/QI)
Montag, 6. März 2023, 11:00–13:00, A320
11:00 |
Q 1.1 |
Holography with single photons — •Hrvoje Skenderovic and Denis Abramovic
11:15 |
Q 1.2 |
Three-Dimensional Imaging of Single Atoms in an Optical Lattice via Helical Point-Spread-Function Engineering — •Tangi Legrand, Falk-Richard Winkelmann, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, Andrea Alberti, and Carrie Weidner
11:30 |
Q 1.3 |
Tomography of distant single Atoms — •Florian Fertig, Yiru Zhou, Pooja Malik, Anastasia Reinl, Tim van Leent, and Harald Weinfurter
11:45 |
Q 1.4 |
Mid-Infrared Quantum Scanning Microscopy with Visible Light — •Josué R. León-Torres, Jorge Fuenzalida, Marta Gilaberte Basset, Sebastian Töpfer, and Markus Gräfe
12:00 |
Q 1.5 |
GHz bandwidth four-wave mixing in a thermal rubidium vapor — •Max Mäusezahl, Felix Moumtsilis, Moritz Seltenreich, Jan Reuter, Hadiseh Alaeian, Harald Kübler, Matthias Müller, Charles Stuart Adams, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
12:15 |
Q 1.6 |
Absorption sensing mode in radio frequency electrometry using Rydberg atoms in hot vapors — •Matthias Schmidt, Stephanie Bohaichuk, Chang Liu, Harald Kübler, and James P. Shaffer
12:30 |
Q 1.7 |
Light Filtration With Hot Atomic Vapor Cells — •Denis Uhland, Yijun Wang, Helena Dillmann, and Ilja Gerhardt
12:45 |
Q 1.8 |
Optimization and readout-noise analysis of a hot vapor EIT memory on the Cs D1 line — •Luisa Esguerra, Leon Meßner, Elizabeth Robertson, Norman Vincenz Ewald, Mustafa Gündoğan, and Janik Wolters