SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 10: Photonics I
Q 10.2: Talk
Monday, March 6, 2023, 17:30–17:45, E001
Generation of ultrashort VUV pulses by frequency-tripling compressed high-energy pulses centered around 400 nm — •Nora Schmitt, Armin Azima, Marek Wieland, Mark Prandolini, and Markus Drescher — University of Hamburg, Institute for Experimental Physics, 22761 Hamburg, Germany
Generating ultrashort laser pulses in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region (VUV, ∼100 to 200 nm) is key to studying an abundance of atomic and molecular transitions. Pump-probe experiments utilizing intense ultrashort laser pulses in this spectral region have successfully been realized and used to study the dynamics of several systems. However, the most widely used source in the VUV is the 5th harmonic of a Ti:Sa laser, which is centered around 160 nm, limiting the number of accessible transitions. In order to drive nonlinear transitions in this wavelength regime, alternative VUV generation schemes should provide pulse energies approaching µJ levels . In a novel approach, we generate pulses around 133 nm by frequency-tripling in a gas cell. The fundamental pulses, centered at 400 nm, are spectrally broadened in a stretched hollow core capillary fiber filled with helium and temporally compressed by a slightly detuned 4f-setup. For the 400 nm pulses, we obtain a pulse duration of 10 fs (FWHM) at 800 µJ pulse energy, evaluated by fringe resolved interferometric autocorrelation (FRIAC) measurements. Our simulations suggest that tripling these pulses in our geometry will yield a conversion efficiency in the order of 10−3.