
SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 22: Poster II

Q 22.20: Poster

Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 16:30–19:00, Empore Lichthof

A Rydberg Atom in a BEC — •Aileen A. T. Durst and Matthew T. Eiles — Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, 01187 Dresden, Germany

A Rydberg atom immersed in a BEC has many extreme interaction features. While the interaction between one of the BEC particles and its neighbors is typically short-ranged compared to other length scales in the condensate, the range of the interaction of the enormous Rydberg impurity and the surrounding bath particles is comparable to or even larger than the mean interparticle distance in the gas. Furthermore, this interaction potential is highly oscillatory and can support multiple bound states. These properties complicate the theoretical description and analysis of the Rydberg impurity, whose interaction potential cannot be replaced in general by a contact pseudopotential. We relate the Rydberg impurity problem to other impurity problems by characterizing it by the number of bound states and, equivalently, the Rydberg-bath particle scattering length, and in this way investigate in which parameter regions the system exhibits quasiparticle character.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2023 > SAMOP