SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 22: Poster II
Q 22.40: Poster
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 16:30–19:00, Empore Lichthof
Cavity-based Quantum Processor: Engineering Entanglement with Programmable Connectivity — •Marvin Holten, Stephan Roschinski, Johannes Schabbauer, Davide Natale, Giacomo Hvaring, Iris Haubold, Nicole Heider, Alexander Heiss, and Julian Leonard — Atominstiut, TU Wien, Austria
Entanglement is the fundamental resource for applications like quantum computation and communication beyond the possibilities of classical machines. Many current devices are limited to a small number of qubits if full connectivity between any two qubits independent of their spatial separation is required. Our goal is to investigate an alternative platform for quantum simulation and information processing with qubit full connectivity. The idea is to trap an array of individually addressable atoms inside an optical cavity. The photon-mediated interactions of the atoms in the cavity will enable us to introduce non-local couplings and entangling operations between any two atoms or qbits in the system. We will implement a non-destructive readout scheme that relies on injecting a few-photon field into the cavity. We plan to investigate in what ways the all-to-all connectivity of our quantum processor enables us to efficiently create highly entangled many-body ensembles, like GHZ states. Finally, we want to use the quantum processor to address longstanding questions about the thermalisation of closed quantum systems and information scrambling. With its scalability and fully programmable connectivity, our architecture has the potential to open up new pathways for a wide range of fields like quantum optimization, communication and simulation.