SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 22: Poster II
Q 22.47: Poster
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 16:30–19:00, Empore Lichthof
Realization of an optical accordion for ultracold atoms — •Carole Peiffer, Felix Lang, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, and Artur Widera — Physics Department and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
Optical lattices, created by the interference of two or more coherent and often far-detuned laser beams, are among the most established tools used to manipulate quantum gases. One special realization, the so-called optical 'accordion', promises enhanced flexibility: when changing the angle of the two interfering beams, the lattice constant changes, allowing control over the lattice spacings over a large range of values. We aim at realizing such an accordion setup using a beamsplitter, consisting of two custom Dove-prisms, glued together by a special UV-curing epoxy, in combination with a large focusing lens. When a single beam passes through the prism pair, it is split into two parallel rays, and their distance depends on the incidental beam's. After focussing by the lens onto the atom's position , interference creates the lattice potential. I will report the planning, construction and ex-situ characterization of an optical accordion which will be used to access lower dimensions in our setup with ultracold lithium-6 atoms.