
SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 22: Poster II

Q 22.49: Poster

Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 16:30–19:00, Empore Lichthof

Laser systems for photoassociation spectroscopy of cold Hg-atoms — •Rudolf Homm and Thomas Walther — Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Laser und Quantenoptik, Schlossgartenstraße 7, 64289 Darmstadt

Cold Hg-atoms in a magneto-optical trap offer opportunities for various experiments. The two stable fermionic isotopes are interesting with regard to a new time standard based on an optical lattice clock employing the 1S0 - 3P0 transition at 265.6 nm. All stable isotopes can be used to form ultra-cold Hg-dimers through photoassociation in connection with vibrational cooling by applying a specific excitation scheme.

We will present our laser systems for photoassociation spectroscopy of cold Hg-atoms. The Hg-isotopes are preselected via a 2D-MOT and cooled in a 3D-MOT, while both are driven by the cooling laser system. It consists of a MOFA-Setup at 1014.8 nm followed by two consecutive frequency-doubling stages. The output power is over 900 mW at 253.7 nm without a sign of degradation in the BBO-crystal used in the second frequency-doubling stage, due to a cavity with elliptical focus in the crystal [1].

The setting of the spectroscopy laser system is quite similar to the cooling laser, while the aims are different. The output power needs to be only several dozen mW at the target wavelength of 254.1 nm, but the frequency tuning range of the system has to be much higher. We will report on the status of the experiments.

[1] Preißler, D., et al., Applied Physics B 125 (2019): 220

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