SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 22: Poster II
Q 22.62: Poster
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 16:30–19:00, Empore Lichthof
Rydberg quantum optics in ultracold Ytterbium gases — •Thilina Muthu-arachchige1, Xin Wang1, Jonas Ceislick1, Katherina Gillen2, and Sebastian Hofferberth1 — 1Institute for Applied Physics, University of Bonn, Germany — 2California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, USA
Mapping the strong interaction between Rydberg excitations in ultracold atomic ensembles onto single photons paves the way to realize and control high optical nonlinearities at the level of single photons. Demonstrations of photon-photon gates or multi-photon bound states based on this concept have so far exclusively employed ultracold alkali atoms. Two-valence electron species, such as ytterbium, offer unique novel features such as narrow-linewidth laser-cooling, optical detection and ionization or long-lived nuclear-spin memory states.
On this poster, we present our ultracold ytterbium setup designed for few-photon Rydberg quantum optics experiments. The system is optimized for fast production of large, thermal ytterbium samples to study the interactions between a large number of Rydberg polaritons simultaneously propagating through a medium with extremely high atomic density. Specifically, we discuss our two-chamber 2d/3d two-color MOT setup, our implementation of narrowline SWAP MOT techniques and Rydberg excitation of optically trapped Ytterbium atoms.