SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 22: Poster II
Q 22.78: Poster
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 16:30–19:00, Empore Lichthof
Suppression of soliton-fission by a Zeno-like effect — •Niklas Bahr, Stephanie Willms, Ihar Babushkin, Uwe Morgner, Oliver Melchert, and Ayhan Demircan — Leibniz University Hannover, Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD, Hannover, Germany
The quantum mechanical Zeno-effect states that the spontaneous decay of an unstable quantum system can be inhibited by continuous measurements. We consider pulse propagation in nonlinear waveguides in terms of a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation, wherein linear loss assumes the role of continuous measurements within the quantum context. Under presence of perturbations, e.g. third order dispersion, a higher order soliton tends to decay in fundamental solitons. The reason for this is a process called soliton fission where, due to the spectral expansion of the soliton, energy is transferred to a phase matched resonant frequency. In this work, we show that upon tailoring the absorption characteristics so that the resonant frequency experiences loss, the breakup of higher-order solitons can be slowed down or even suppressed. We further show that this approach also applies to modulation instability induced soliton fission.