SAMOP 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 23: Optomechanics I & Optovibronics
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023, 11:00–12:45, A320
11:00 |
Q 23.1 |
Quantum optomechanics with a levitated nanoparticle and an on-chip photonic crystal cavity — •Seyed Khalil Alavi, Jin Chang, Danial Davoudi, Marion Hagel, Simon Gröblacher, and Sungkun Hong
11:15 |
Q 23.2 |
Optoacoustic active phonon cooling in waveguides — •Laura Blázquez Martínez, Philipp Wiedemann, Andreas Geilen, Changlong Zhu, and Birgit Stiller
11:30 |
Q 23.3 |
Coherent control of Brillouin optomechanics in waveguides — •Changlong Zhu, Junyin Zhang, Christian Wolff, and Birgit Stiller
11:45 |
Q 23.4 |
Quantum optics approach to non-adiabatic phenomena in molecules — •Michael Reitz, Jacopo Fregoni, Raphael Holzinger, Agnes Vibok, and Claudiu Genes
12:00 |
Q 23.5 |
Nonlinear opto-vibronics in molecular systems — Quansheng Zhang, •Micheal Reitz, and Claudiu Genes
12:15 |
Q 23.6 |
Interaction-Induced Directional Transport on Driven Coupled Chains — •Helena Drüeke and Dieter Bauer
12:30 |
Q 23.7 |
Teaching Quantum Optics and Quantum Cryptography with Augmented Reality Enhanced Experiments — •Adrian Abazi, Paul Schlummer, Jonas Lauströer, Jochen Stuhrmann, Rasmus Borkamp, Wolfram Pernice, Reinhard Schulz-Schaeffer, Stefan Heusler, Daniel Laumann, and Carsten Schuck