SAMOP 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 30: Nano-optics
Mittwoch, 8. März 2023, 11:00–13:00, F442
11:00 |
Q 30.1 |
A Novel Approach to Nanophotonic Black-Box Optimization Through Reinforcement Learning — •Marco Butz, Alexander Leifhelm, Marlon Becker, Benjamin Risse, and Carsten Schuck
11:15 |
Q 30.2 |
Reentrant delocalization transition in one-dimensional photonic quasicrystals — Sachin Vaidya, •Christina Jörg, Kyle Linn, Megan Goh, and Mikael C. Rechtsman
11:30 |
Q 30.3 |
Nonlocal Soft Plasmonics: Ionic plasmon effects in planar homogeneous multi-layered systems — •Preethi Ramesh Narayan and Christin David
11:45 |
Q 30.4 |
Nonlinear response in nanostructured multilayers — •Navid Daryakar and Christin David
12:00 |
Q 30.5 |
Towards Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy of Single Europium Ions in Yttria Nanocrystals — Timon Eichhorn, •Nicholas Jobbitt, and David Hunger
12:15 |
Q 30.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:30 |
Q 30.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:45 |
Q 30.8 |
Tailoring Near-Field*Mediated Photon Electron Interactions with Light Polarization — •Fatemeh chahshouri and Nahid Talebi