SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 6: Quantum Effects (QED) (joint session Q/A)
Q 6.2: Talk
Monday, March 6, 2023, 11:15–11:30, F442
Quantum friction near nonreciprocal media and chiral media — •Omar Jesús Franca Santiago and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann — Institute of Physics, University of Kassel, Germany
We investigate how the quantum friction experienced by a polarisable charged particle moving with constant velocity parallel to a planar interface is modified when the latter consists of a chiral media or nonreciprocal media, with special focus on topological insulators. We use macroscopic quantum electrodynamics to obtain the Casimir-Polder frequency shift and decay rate. These results are a generalization of the respective quantities to matter with time-reversal symmetry breaking which violates the Lorentz reciprocity principle. We illustrate our findings by examining the nonretarded and retarded limits for five examples: a perfectly conducting mirror, a perfectly reflecting nonreciprocal mirror, a three-dimensional topological insulator, a perfectly reflecting chiral mirror and an isotropic chiral medium.
[1] Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, David T. Butcher and Stefan Scheel. New Journal of Physics 14, 083034 (2012).
[2] Sebastian Fuchs, J. A. Crosse and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann. Phys. Rev. A 95, 023805 (2017).
[3] David T. Butcher, Stefan Y. Buhmann, Stefan Scheel, New Journal of Physics 14, 113013 (2012).