SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 69: Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC V (joint session A/Q)
Q 69.3: Talk
Friday, March 10, 2023, 15:15–15:30, F303
Quantum simulations with circular Rydberg atoms — •Christian Hölzl, Aaron Götzelmann, Moritz Wirth, and Florian Meinert — 5th Institute of Physics, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Highly excited low-L Rydberg atoms in configurable mircotrap arrayshave recently proven highly versatile for exploring quantum many-body systems with single particle control. We aim to increase the coherence time of the Rydberg platform by using high-L circular Rydberg states, which promise orders of magnitude longer lifetimes compared to their low-l counterparts. I will report on the status of a new experimental apparatus for realizing arrays of trapped and long-lived circular Rydberg atoms at room temperature. To this end, we have prepared single Strontium atoms inside a suppression capacitor made from indium tin oxide (ITO). The capacitor is designed to stabilize the circular Rydberg atoms against detrimental black-body radiation, while keeping excellent high-NA optical access for visible light. I will report on our progress to laser-excite Rydberg singlet F-states via a three-photon scheme. The latter serve as a suitable starting point for accessing circular Rydberg states via adiabatic state transfer.