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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 71: Quantum Optics: Cavity and Waveguide QED III
Q 71.3: Vortrag
Freitag, 10. März 2023, 15:00–15:15, F442
Star-to-chain transformations for ultra-strong coupling — David D. Noachtar1, Johannes Knörzer1,2, and •Robert H. Jonsson1,3 — 1Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany — 2Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland — 3Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
The ultra-strong coupling regime requires non-perturbative methods, for example, to calculate the radiation emitted from an atom. We show how star-to-chain transformations can be combined with methods based on matrix product state or Gaussian methods, respectively. Being well known in the study of open quantum systems, we demonstrate that the approach allows us to also treat field observables - both in vacuum states and thermal states of the field. As applications we consider giant atoms in the ultra-strong coupling regime [1], and the emission from a uniformly accelerated emitter in the Unruh effect [2].
[1] D. D. Noachtar, J. Knörzer, and R. H. Jonsson, "Nonperturbative treatment of giant atoms using chain transformations", Phys. Rev. A 013702, (2022).
[2] R. H. Jonsson, and J. Knörzer, "Star-to-chain transformations for relativistic matter-light interaction", in preparation.