SAMOP 2023 – scientific programme
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SYHC: Symposium Precision Physics with Highly Charged Ions
SYHC 2: Intersection of the Electron-Shell and Nuclear Degrees of Freedom
SYHC 2.4: Invited Talk
Monday, March 6, 2023, 18:30–19:00, E415
Laser Spectroscopy at the Storage Rings of GSI/FAIR — •Wilfried Nörtershäuser — TU Darmstadt, Institut für Kernphysik, Schlossgartenstr. 9, 64289 Darmstadt — Helmholtz-Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR (HFHF), Campus Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, 64289 Darmstadt
The availability of highly charged ions and the large Doppler shifts of relativistic beams make laser spectroscopy at storage rings an attractive tool to test strong-field QED as well as electron-electron correlations in few-body calculations. Laser light can also be used to address and analyze internal and external degrees of motion of the stored ions. An overview on recent results and activities in these fields at the GSI/FAIR storage rings ESR and CRYRING@ESR will be presented.