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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 11: Poster Session I
BP 11.59: Poster
Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 12:30–15:30, P1
Phase segregation and microemulsion module of DNA oligo based nano-motifs — •Rakesh Chatterjee1, Mai P. Tran2, Yannik Dreher2, Julius Fichtler2, Kevin Jahnke2, Xenia Tschurikow3, Aaron Gadzekpo3, Lennart Hilbert3, Kerstin Göpfrich2, and Vasily Zaburdaev1 — 1Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany — 2Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany — 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
DNA can be used as a programmable material by designing the base sequences to drive self-assembly. The technology of forming macromolecular droplets through sequence design of DNA-like biopolymers could provide insights into the mechanisms of liquid-like droplet formation via liquid-liquid phase separation. In two experimental setups we study how the process of phase segregation of two motifs is affected by confinement and how the dispersal of the aggregated phase is controlled by addition of amphiphiles. To quantify this process theoretically we use a versatile lattice-gas model in two dimensions with cross-shaped particles that can closely mimic the shape of synthetic nano-motifs and their interaction valencies as well as account for their translational and rotational diffusion. With our numerical results we can recapitulate the observed effects of the slowing down phase segregation in confinement and the dose response of the aggregate dispersal by addition of amphiphile components.