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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 11: Poster Session I
BP 11.64: Poster
Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 12:30–15:30, P1
Self-organized criticality in animal collectives — •Yunus Sevinchan1,2, David Bierbach1,3,4, Luis Gómez-Nava1,2, Jens Krause1,3,4, and Pawel Romanczuk1,2 — 1Science of Intelligence, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany — 2Institute for Theoretical Biology, HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany — 3Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany — 4Thaer-Institute, HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Collective biological systems – such as animal groups or neuronal networks – are presumed to operate at or near so-called critical points at which they exhibit maximal sensitivity towards environmental cues. We have studied large fish shoals of sulphur mollies (Poecilia sulphuraria) which perform collective diving cascades as a response to predation. We previously found these shoals to operate close to criticality, allowing near-optimal propagation of information through the collective [1]. By analyzing a large video dataset of surface waves originating as a response to bird attacks or various synthetic stimuli, we relate wave characteristics to the macroscopic state of the shoal and varying environmental contexts. These results help in better understanding the fundamental mechanisms allowing collectives to self-tune their distance to criticality and navigate the robustness-sensitivity tradeoff.
[1]: L. Gómez-Nava, RT. Lange, PP. Klamser, J. Lukas, L. Arias-Rodriguez, D. Bierbach, J. Krause, H. Sprekeler, and P. Romanczuk: Fish shoals maximize sensitivity towards external cues and show optimal information spread at criticality. Nature Physics (accepted), 2022