SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 12: Biopolymers and Biomaterials (joint session BP/CPP)
BP 12.3: Talk
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 10:00–10:15, TOE 317
DNA-encoded viscoelastic matrices for cell and organoid culture — •Elisha Krieg — Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. — Technische Universität Dresden
The recent advances in mechanobiology and the physics of life have driven an immense interest in mechanically programmable viscoelastic materials for cell and organoid culture. Here I describe a class of soft hydrogels based on novel DNA libraries that self-assemble with synthetic polymers.[1] This dynamic DNA-based matrix (DyNAtrix) provides computationally predictable, systematic, and independent control over key cell-instructive properties by merely changing DNA sequence information without affecting the compositional features of the system. This approach enables: (1) thermodynamic and kinetic control over network formation; (2) adjustable heat activation for the homogeneous embedding of mammalian cells; and (3) dynamic tuning of stress relaxation times to precisely recapitulate the mechanical characteristics of living tissues. DyNAtrix is self-healing, printable, exhibits high stability, cyto- and hemocompatibility, and controllable degradation. DyNAtrix-based 3D cultures of human mesenchymal stromal cells, pluripotent stem cells, canine kidney cysts, and placental organoids exhibit high viability, proliferation, and morphogenesis over several days to weeks. DyNAtrix thus represents a programmable and versatile precision matrix, paving the way for advanced approaches to biomechanics, biophysics, and tissue engineering.
[1] Peng et al. bioRxiv 2022, DOI:10.1101/2022.10.08.510936